Yes, I am
Juan Felipe

A frog looking dude with a purple beanie
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learning Blender
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Gunplas built


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D&AD 2024 - Wood Pencil / Webby Winner 2024

When you need someone to take care of every moving piece of your product and your brand, from workshops to ideation to release with craft but also urgency (when needed), you got me. If you need a team of creatives aligned on an idea, a schedule, a brief and expectations then you are in luck, cause I'm also into channeling perspectives and guiding other creatives.

In the realm of creation, I craft products, forge brands, construct design systems, shape user experiences, and tinker in miniature painting and animation.

Call me a generalist with strong opinions, a product designer with a made up art degree, a brand strategist who knew how to code, or an illustrator passing as a graphic designer, It's all the same to me. But I do care about building products that work in favor of the user, that speak clearly and spark joy, and on building teams that rely on each other, have efficient design methods, feedback sessions and clean, properly labeled layers structured components on their libraries.

Interested in more detailed info about my past jobs and experience?
CV 2024
Or if you're interested in knowing more about my mentoring:
If you're not into buzzwords or your goals are not only about creating value for shareholders and more into building human oriented, no cutting corners, and ethically built type of design, please contact me over here: