Hey, I am
Juan Felipe

A frog looking dude with a purple beanie
ADPList mentoringAbout me

These are some of my projects in product design and brand:

If you'd like to check some of my older projects, check out my previous portfolio in it's PDF version:

I am a product designer/ UI/UX designer with a focus on visual and branding. I got a mix of skills.

Or check my other personal projects, freelance work and other unrelated stuff, along with my weird tastes in GIF creation, video game references, movie reviews and hot takes on these fancy links:

Building a portfolio is tough work.

Case Studies

  1. Cara Care
  2. Project A Rebranding
  3. Skyroam Solis
  1. Spoopy Squad
  2. Motion Poster
  3. Project A Knowledge Conference
  4. Cacatoes Design Studio
  5. Restaurante Vulgar
  6. Motion for Fun